March 18, 2012
John W. McNeill
There is a temptation to move right to John 3:16.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone
who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
“Believe in Jesus so that you won’t die, but instead go to
God loved the world so much, God gave his only Son that God
gave us this way out of dying so that we could go to heaven.
But what if we have been reading this in a way that keeps
us in the dark?
What if “so” means not “how much,” but “in what way?” So a better translation might be: This is how
God loved the world: God gave his only Son.
And further, what if “believe in” does not mean accepting
some particular facts as true or giving intellectual assent, but instead means
giving ones trust and submission. What if it really means “following?”
Believing into, handing ones whole self over to the Son? I’ve read this week
that the grammar of the sentence in Greek indicates this is more likely the appropriate
But before rushing to John 3:16, perhaps we should pause a
moment and give the verses that surround it some attention.
The first verse of today’s reading is peculiar:
3:14 And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
But let’s hear what this
is about. This refers to an incident as Moses was leading the Israelites on
their journey from slavery in Egypt to the promised land of freedom. Once again
the people were grumbling about being in the desert with no food and no water.
God heard them grumbling and sent poisonous snakes among them to bite them.
Many died from these snake bites. Finally some of the people went to Moses to
tell him that God was punishing them with poisonous snakes and that they were
sorry. Moses prayed for the people and God told him to make a serpent out of
bronze and put it on a rod and hold it up. Whoever had been bitten by a
poisonous snake could look on the bronze snake and would be healed.
Now this story may sound in many ways silly to our ears,
but the point Jesus makes in telling this story is that we must pay attention,
look at the things that are killing us. And, more than that, when he is lifted
up – that is crucified – that we are to look at that. Look carefully at that
crucifixion and all that has gone into it if we are to be saved.
If we give ourselves over to him, we will be saved. Again,
the way to read this is not about acknowledging some particular facts, but
rather about how we follow Jesus. Later
on in John’s gospel this made abundantly clear when Jesus says: I am the way,
the truth, and the life. To find life, we must live in Jesus’ way.
So how do we know whether we are living in Jesus’ way? How
do we determine this?
Well, let’s look at the verses that come after John 3:16.
It actually talks about the judgment.
3:19 And this is the judgment, that the light has come into
the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were
3:20 For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to
the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed.
The judgment here is actually a little surprising, it’s not
a judgment in the sense that God has looked at someone and said, “You’re bad.” The
judgment is that the folks who are in trouble are hiding in the darkness. They
will not come into God’s light. They do not come into God’s light because they
do not want to be exposed. They hold themselves back from being saved.
On the other hand,
3:21 But those who do what is true come to the light, so
that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God."
Those who are living in God, doing deeds done in God, doing
what is true, want to be in the light, want to be revealed in God’s presence,
do not hang back from living in Jesus’ way.
And this gives us an understanding of verses 17 & 18,
which we skipped over:
3:17 "Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world
to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
3:18 Those who believe in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
3:18 Those who believe in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
has not come to condemn, but to save.
Those who are following him, believing into him, allying with him, are
not condemned. On the other hand, those who are not following him are condemned
because they are avoiding the light that will illuminate their lives and save
them. Hence they remain in the darkness. There is no salvation in darkness.
Contrasts that are developed in this passage:
Believing into (Following)
Not believing into (Not following)
Do what is true
Do evil
Have eternal life
Some sections of John’s gospel have this format of churning
around in the relationships among several concepts. These passages immerse us
in contrasts and connections to draw us into
deeper understanding of Jesus’ meaning.
But these contrasts are governed by the first verse of our
passage this morning:
3:14 And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the
wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
As the passage develops we come to understand that
encountering this passage puts us in the position of judgment. We are brought
to a reality check about who we are. We must ask ourselves:
Are we willing to hold our lives up to the light?
Paradoxically, only by willing to be judged will we escape judgment.
Perhaps we can better understand this if we see how the
same principle is true in another sort of case.
Let’s think about dentists. Dentists use a lot of light.
imagine this situation:
You take good care of your teeth. You floss twice a day.
You brush with the right kind of toothbrush and toothpaste. Maybe you also use
an anti-plaque rinse. You minimize sweets. You visit your dentist every six
months. It’s almost a joy. The cleaning is barely uncomfortable because you
have so little tarter. There are never any cavities. No extra costs. No
problem. Your life and habits are arranged so that you do not hesitate to go to
the dentist because you have no reason to expect any real problems. That
dentist’s light will simply reveal a gorgeous smile. All your teeth will live.
On the other hand…
I can imagine a situation in which one does not floss even
once a day, or even once a week. I can imagine a situation in which one never flosses. I can imagine someone brushing their teeth
only in the morning and never before bed when it is most important to prevent
tooth decay. I can imagine someone using a toothpaste not recommended by
American Dental Association. For such a person going to the dentist might well
fill them with dread. Especially if they have some discomfort in a tooth. The
cleaning will take a long time, it will be uncomfortable. I may need a filling.
It might hurt. It may cost a lot of money. Maybe I won’t go to the dentist.
Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it will get better on its own. I’ll start brushing
and flossing more regularly. Starting tomorrow. Or next week. My teeth will
I want to show you a clip from the film Bruce Almighty. Bruce Nolan, played by Jim
Carey, has had some terrible things happen in his life. One of the worst is
that he’s lost his job. He rails at God. He accuses God of being like a big
mean kid, interested in watching him squirm. He begins to get mysterious text
messages telling him to come for a job interview. That’s where this scene
begins. It turns out to be much more of an interview than he’d bargained for.
He’s invited to come into the light.
Clip from Bruce
Bruce has some real problems. If he is going to get better
he will have to begin to pay attention to how he is living and what his
expectations are. He will have to be open to testing whether his attitudes and
his actions are leading to life.
I’ve talked before about judgment being a kind of
diagnosis. It is not for our condemnation, it is a step toward healing, a step
toward knowing how we must change. Judgment is God taking us seriously and us
taking God seriously. Engaging God intentionally and deeply.
Jesus’ words here are not a threat. They are statements of how
the universe is. If we avoid judgment, if we avoid diagnosis. That in itself
leads to our failure to get better. If we step into the light of judgment we
are taking the first step toward wholeness and peace. The first step toward
salvation. So in that sense, the judgment is not judgment at all.
In this season of Lent we look ahead to Good Friday, when
we remember the Son of man lifted up - lifted up on the cross that shines a
light on our rebellion against God’s goodness and invites us to be healed.
The cross shines a
light on the injustice of the powerful against the weak and invites us to
follow Jesus’ way of justice.
The cross shines a light on the cruelty of which we are
capable and invites us to follow Jesus’ way of compassion.
The cross shines a light on the love of God for the world
and invites us to follow into that very same way of love.
The cross shines a light on the self-giving love of God. It
shines a light on the way God loves: not as the overwhelming power that will
impose what is right. But as the love that calls us into self-giving
vulnerability that is open to that light and embraces the possibilities God is
offering us for eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
Thanks be to God, indeed. Thank you, John, for sharing such an insightful and wonderful sermon. I'll never look at John 3:16 again. Happy Easter!
I meant to say, "in the same way again!"
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