Tuesday, September 11, 2012

small groups at Fairport UMC

Small Groups at FUMC—we have about 8 groups meeting regularly, weekly or twice a month, involving about 75 people in a broad age range from high school to 90s!  All groups welcome newcomers, though sometimes specific start dates are recommended.
“Becoming the People of God”
This small group meets on Wednesday or Thursday evenings, twice a month. We use the Affirmation of Faith we recite in Sunday worship service as a foundation for reviewing the weekly Scripture Message and discussing the Questions for the Journey in the Order of Worship. Not limiting our discussion to a Bible Study format, the group will devote a large amount of time to current events and personal observations of a spiritual nature. In doing so, there is a strong sense of community among the group members, which helps to guide and nurture our spiritual journey. The conversations are lively and fun!   Contact: Steve Taylor j.steven.taylor101@rochester.rr.com
“Heart Listening”
This group of women, both from our church and others, gather each Friday morning 10:30-12:15 (ending with midday prayer in the sanctuary) as a Monastery of the Heart, an online program of Benedictine sisters of Erie Pa.  Currently we are reading and reflecting on the book of the same name, and seek to know God particularly through considering the Rule of Benedict.  Contact Jane Stava jstava@rochester.rr.com  Although we happen to be women, our group is not so restricted.
“Men’s Monday”
This group of men meets on Monday evenings at 7pm at church for spiritual growth and mutual support.   Contact Dave Dupont ddupont@rochester.rr.com
 “Midweek Break”
 This group meets in the Renfro home on Wednesday evenings at 7pm, currently to reflect on Richard Rohr’s daily devotional material. This is a Laugh Out Loud group who really enjoy being together!  Contact Mark or Pam Renfro mrenfro@rochester.rr.com or Pam@fairportumc.org
“Senior Breakfast”
Also meeting at Renfro’s home, high school seniors, from church and not,  meet weekly on Thursday mornings before school.  Contact Pam@fairportumc.org
Spiritual Lunch Break”
This group, mostly retirees, meets each Tuesday 11:45am to 1pm to look ahead at the upcoming Sunday’s assigned scriptures.  We do some background Bible study, discuss its possible implications for today, and close with a time of prayer for each other, those on the prayer page, etc. and the world. Contact Margaret Scott Margaret@fairportumc.org
“Tuesdays at Ten”
A group of women who meet each Tuesday 10-11am for reflection on the past Sunday’s sermon and bulletin Questions for the Journey.  We end each session with personal prayer requests, as most of us are more used to praying for others than having others pray for us.  Contact Margaret Scott Margaret@fairportumc.org
 “Star of my heart”
This group of women of all ages meets Tuesday mornings, twice a month in members’ homes.  This is a book-based group who seek spiritual growth together, with a goal of offering a women’s retreat next spring.  Contact Sue Golembeski  sgolembe@rochester.rr.com
New possibilities
Pastor Chris hopes to engage some of our young married people in considering what they’d like to form, and Mark Renfro is working on young adults (post high school, pre-marriage).  
Anyone with ideas for groups, let us know and go for it!!

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