Tuesday, July 02, 2013

But first...

But first…063013
Luke 9:51-62

Luke tells us 2 different stories in today’s text..one about being not welcome and the other a sort of smorgasbord of short pithy even snippy words from Jesus.
But both have a word for us 2000 years later…a word about what it means to be a disciple.
What I’d like you to imagine today, as I walk through these stories, is what that 21st century word might be for you, for us from the 1st century….what it might mean for OUR being disciples.  We’re going to do this a little more reflectively than usual, so be prepared for that.
lets take a moment of silence, to settle our bodies into the pews, to slow down the noise in our heads, and open our minds and hearts to hear a word from God……
Disciples are on a journey with Jesus…they’re on the way to Jerusalem, to who knows what.  The early Christian movement was called “the Way” for this reason; they knew they were a force for change, and had not yet become an institution…..are we?  Take a moment to reflect on that……
and on this journey Jesus is one focused guy. He set his face………  He has a determination to be and do what he believes God wants—no matter the consequences. He seeks the divine way at all times. (Song:  Seek God…)  Back in the 1960s we saw this same determination in the civil rights movement, and MLK Jr’s encouragement and determination “We ain’t gonna let nobody turn us around!”      You see, disciples stay so close on this journey that Jesus rubs off, and they want the same thing…..do we? Take a moment to reflect on that……
Disciples listen – they have specific tasks—eg some have the job of preparing the way for others to make a place for Jesus in their lives…what is it God asks you to do to help others meet Jesus? Take a moment to reflect on that……
Disciples often face opposition—the animosity between Jews and Samaritans was legendary, and though Luke often portrays Jesus’ as very sympathetic to Samaritans, here the story goes that they’re miffed at his being Jerusalem bound—it wasn’t their holy city.  Each group thought they had the monopoly on truth….and this story shows how hot tempers can get.    If we’re disciples, we won’t always be welcome in certain company….even among ourselves in this faith called Christianity. And this is tied to the next thing about disciples….
Disciples do not retaliate—Jesus takes the nonviolent option, always.  He does not seek revenge, will not engage in name-calling, nor even distracting argument with those who reject or hurt him….do we?  Take a moment to reflect on that……
Disciples keep moving, together on the journey….then they went on. Another reminder that discipleship is a movement, a way of living, not a settled stay.   One of my daily readings this week from RB said: to live in church is not necessarily a sign of holiness—to live always in the breath of the Spirit is.    and it’s communal, not individual. And as they went on  This is a huge challenge to our culture where individualism, independence and personal space have become values of dangerous magnitude.  Discipleship means community… Take a moment to reflect on that……
Someone said I will follow you wherever you go.   Disciples genuinely want to follow Jesus’ way.    Really?  Anywhere?   The Francis center? That’s where Jesus goes…..  Circles Plus mentoring those who want to get out of poverty? Cos that’s where Jesus goes…. Small groups for study and deepening the spiritual practices by shared experience?   Cos that’s where Jesus goes…. Disciples genuinely want to follow Jesus’ way….take a moment to think about that…..
Disciples are under no illusions—Jesus makes it clear that this isn’t easy.  In the first century it literally meant homelessness and turning your back on your social responsibilities.  In the 21st century we’ve become so tied by our stuff: homes, gardens, pets, all manner of responsibilities that burden us, and we have made discipleship so bland we’ve lost the understanding that living counter culturally isn’t easy…take a moment….
Disciples are called in different ways—the last person was a volunteer who’d obviously heard about Jesus and signed up…. This one hears a personal invitation from Jesus, a direct, no-nonsense command.   God tries very hard in very many creative ways to get through to us….but
Disciples want it their way….yes, but….but first let me….Jesus deals with this resistance to God’s way in different ways.  With this one who was first invited to come/follow but who wants it on his own terms, Jesus  now instructs him to go/proclaim.  Unwilling to follow didn’t excuse him from his responsibility of discipleship—just because I won’t or can’t do such and such a thing doesn’t mean I am to do nothing.  Disciples aren’t all called to the same thing
With the next one, he says basically Disciples need to be single minded and focused…it becomes who you are and what you do in all areas of life.  Disciples live out the kin-dom of God, hour by hour, day by day (song:  “in everyone and everything every day of our lives)…… Take a moment to think about……
In the first century, with Jesus, there was indeed a radical break for disciples from their current lifestyle.  It was in fact a 24/7 choice to be homeless and moving into the unknown.  Today it’s still a lifestyle, still a Way, still impacts everything, still is countercultural.  And for many of us, our culture is too precious to inject Jesus into it.
This text has usually been read to suggest that family relationships or social responsibilities  are opposite to the Jesus way—it’s family OR following Jesus; it’s social responsibilities OR discipleship.
But not, if it’s a way of life then it’s a way of living IN family relationships and society.  Our spiritual life must infuse and inform all of life-home, work, play, study, all are lived as disciples.
So last moment for reflection:  what kind of disciple are you in your home?  In your service to others?  In your social circle?  Do we “seek God in everyone and everything every day of our lives?”
What’s REALLY first?

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