(this meditation had to be 'winged' due to computer problems--thought those who were there might like to see what I should have said!)
The sages have a saying, that each of us should carry a
piece of paper in each pocket, one which says, “I am dust, and to dust I shall
return”, and the other, “For me the universe was made”. If we keep those in balance, we will know
our place in the universe, and become truly humble….something the world needs
more of for sure.
People tend to think of Lent as somber, dull, sad, all about
sin…..any or all of the above. And while
it is serious, it’s not heavy…..just the opposite. It’s about getting rid of what’s heavy
in our lives, our minds, or our souls.
Many of us also think that means giving something up. And most of us have things we need to be
unburdened from, addictive behaviours, negative thoughts, critical
attitudes. But it seems to me that the
Benedictines have it right….sometimes the way to be rid of a burden is to add
something counteractive to it….so we take on a ‘bona opera’(good work),
usually a reading or a habit, during this season. Instead of giving up negative thoughts, take
on positive thoughts….instead of giving up critical attitudes, take on
intentional affirmations. Making our
souls healthier can be a joy, not a burden!
For God has already loved and forgiven us, and simply waits for us to
believe and live it!
Around church you’ll find signs with some suggestions (show
list and paper for last one)—I encourage you to choose one, or something more
personal to your spirit. And let me –
or someone you trust and love - know what your ‘bona opera’ will be so I can
pray for you and encourage you on the journey.
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