Tuesday, February 03, 2015

more thoughts on God at work

we had some individual reflection and response on Sunday, and powerful it was for me to pray with those who came forward. 
But what of our community of faith, our congregation, maybe even the Church (United Methodist and universal)?   what is Jesus confronting in us?   what possesses us and prevents us from being wholly what we are meant to be?
I think of our vision here at FUMC--to become a holy and bold movement living our God's dream; and our mission--to reach OUT and share the faith, AROUND and embrace God's people as and where they are, IN to learn Jesus' teachings and develop a deeper faith, and UP, praising God.

We are often driven by lack of resources (financial and volunteer) instead of trusting God's abundance....old thinking keeps us from change.....focus on believing the right things instead of doing the right things.....are there other demons possessing us?

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