Sunday, January 03, 2016

Colossians Challenge week one: compassion

Following up on the Holy Spirit’s challenge, we are invited to forego (or enhance) our New Year resolutions by taking up the practices of Colossians 3.   Each week, participants will focus on one practice, day by day, at home, work, school, play, everywhere, mindfully and intentionally.  For example, the first week’s language invites me to …..Clothe yourself with compassion.

So above the coatrack in our back hall, I have posted a reminder: "coat of compassion".  Each time I put on and take off my coat I am reminded of this aspect of my commitment to live the Jesus way.

Com-passion means to suffer with, and involves my being with another person in his or her hurt, tho  I have found it also applies to being with another in joy.  This week I spent a lot of time at a local hospital, and lots of practice opportunities!  Trying to see the feelings behind behavior or speech is one aspect of practising compassion that requires real attentiveness.

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