Monday, October 15, 2012

Simple Suppers

Hello Church Family -

We are excited that our Fall Simple Suppers will begin tomorrow evening.  We will meet each week (five weeks in all) at 5:45pm for a meal and discussion.  Children who are in choirs will be able to leave at 6:25pm so that they can get to practice on time.  Children not in choir, youth and adults can then stay for an intergenerational session focused our topic of the evening.  We will end each session by 6:55pm so that people attending church meetings can get to their meetings on-time.  Our time together as a faith community, learning together, will be a time of blessing for all!

We will have a free will offering for the meal.  We will have vegetarian,  gluten-free, and diary free meal options available.

If you think you will be attending an RSVP would be appreciated.  Hope to see you here at church!

Grace and  peace,
Margaret & Pam

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