Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing
There is a field, I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Those are an English translation of words written by the 13th
century poet Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, better known as simply Rumi. They came
to mind when I began looking at our scripture reading for today, because this
morning, Christ takes us to a field out beyond ideas of right and wrong.
The beginning of our text has Jesus being told about the
murder of John the Baptist and then going off by himself to a deserted place”. This
is language pointing to the spiritual practice of Jesus the Jewish mystic. In
Hebrew there is a word that is very important for understanding what is going
on when Jesus is said to be going off alone—and all four gospels mention him
going off to be by himself. The Hebrew word I am speaking of is hit-bo-dedut—it
is derived from a word that means “to be alone”—and it points to much more than
physical isolation—although the mystics would go off to be physically alone to
meditate. This word, hit-bo-dedut, also refers to the mystics internally
separating their inner essence from their thoughts—or, in modern spiritual
language, their True self from their false or conditioned self. In other words,
spirit-filled ancient Jews like Jesus knew the value of solitude—of internal
solitude—and this is key to understanding Jesus’ spiritual genius. Why? Well,
many of us, generally speaking, have very little solitude. Even if we are
physically alone, our minds, as I said a few weeks ago, are crowded by so much
cultural conditioning, by so many influences, by all the knowledge we have
accumulated, by so many memories of so many experiences, by so many fears, so
much anxiety, so many ideas, so much conflict. Are any of us ever truly alone?
We are not alone today if we are weighed down by thousands of yesterdays—if we
are burdened with all we have collected during those thousands of yesterdays—all
the ideas of right and wrong we so often mistake for Truth, all the pleasures,
all the treasures, all the pains. Remember, Jesus told us very clearly that if
we wanted to follow Him, we must deny or disown the self—the self that is always
of the past. This can be very difficult
in a culture that has turned the love of self into the idolatry of self. When
Jesus says we must deny or disown the self—he is saying we must die to the
past—and to do that we must know this internal solitude—we must “go off by
ourselves”. We must die to that past, to those thoughts that literally
preoccupy our minds. To let go of all
that is to be alone. And, this is a beautiful
thing, for as our scripture tells us, the result of this aloneness, of this
solitude, is a kind of compassion that is truly un-selfish and that is truly
In verse 14 we see Jesus coming ashore and encountering a
great crowd, and we are told he has compassion for them. The compassion Jesus
shows is not just that of a nice guy—if Jesus was just a nice guy, just gave
poor folks a dollar, he wouldn’t have become synonymous with Love, with freedom—in
short, he wouldn’t have been the Christ. Jesus has died to or denied the self
that is the result of thousands of yesterdays—he has let go of or transcended
the old creation—and it is for this reason that he is called the Christ—the one
who brings the New Creation. In His solitude he has let go of self. And this
allows for compassion. Compassion is a
truly un-selfish response. True
compassion is without motive. Solitude allows for this because there is no
self to have a motive—there is no self that filters and judges, there is no
self that wants the social capital or improved self-image that comes from being
a nice guy. There is no self that is estranged from others. Jesus is Love
because he is not estranged—Jesus Christ is Love, the power that overcomes
estrangement—now, obviously so-called religious people have used the idea of
Jesus to separate themselves from others so I’m not necessarily speaking of the Jesus of the church, I’m talking about
the Christ as the New Reality or Love
that is when the self is not. Solitude or dying to the conditioned self allows us to Love and serve our
neighbors in a truly Christ-like or Christian fashion—whether those neighbors
are across the street or across the sea. Whether those neighbors are like us or
not, whether or not those neighbors hold political views or lifestyles we
approve of. Whether or not those neighbors have oppressed or harmed us. Jesus was the Christ because he brought the
New Reality—he transcended the old reality. He transcended the self--the self
that is the result of the old reality; the self that is the old reality; the self that is the result of the continuity
and the accumulation of a thousand yesterdays.
We next hear that the disciples come to the deserted place
where Jesus is and ask him to send the crowds away so all those people can go
buy some food for themselves. Jesus’ response is a big lesson for all of us…he
says the people need not go away, he says to the disciples, you— the church—you give them something to eat.
In other words—YOU DO IT.
Jesus had compassion for and served all—he said we should even love our
enemies—he loved and served a Roman centurion, he loved Samaritans, he even had
compassion for those who killed him. It is the church’s responsibility—it is
our responsibility to love and serve ALL—INCLUDING ALL THOSE WHO MAY BE
Well, just as this story is not ultimately
about serving people food, we, the church, are to serve, to transmit, Christ’s
Love and compassion—we are to serve, to transmit the un—selfish mind that was
in Christ Jesus. But first we must receive that Love, that unselfish mind, from
the Christ. First we must go off alone
like he did. I am reminded of people I have known in ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS.
When one alcoholic really gets sober—not just quits drinking—but really transcends their old
self-centered ways—they truly begin living in a New Reality, a New Creation—and
those around them witness a new consciousness as it emerges. That person then transmits His or Her new reality
to ALL they encounter—like a pebble dropped in a pond—the reality of everyone
in their world begins to transform, in fact the reality of people they don’t
even know is transformed—for that person is no longer drunk behind the wheel,
no longer drunk around their kids, and so those kids and then their-- yet to be
born--kids will have a different story—a radical transformation of
consciousness reaches worlds not yet formed, people not yet born, as it
radiates outward.
A A’ers know it is their responsibility to feed or transmit
the gift of their new consciousness to the next person that comes into the
program. Jesus tells us it is our responsibility to love and serve the crowds,
it is our responsibility to feed ALL of them. Sure, we are fortunate; we can
share material goods, food and money. But the church is not merely a goodwill
society—it is the church of Jesus Christ—me and you—all of us together and as
individuals—we must un-selfishly or without self, love and serve them all—we must
offer and transmit a new consciousness—a new reality, a new creation—that is
what a deep encounter with the Christ gives us—a new consciousness, the bread
that endures to eternal Life, the bread or transformed consciousness that will
reach into and shape worlds yet to be born. Love transcends all barriers, Love multiplies and radiates in a
miraculous way.
I will close with this--Like Jesus we must go off alone—we
must know the internal solitude that comes when the self is not, when the self
has been denied. Then we, the church of Jesus Christ, will be able to say to
the whole world—out beyond ideas of
right and wrong, there is a field, we’ll meet you there. AMEN.
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