Thursday, December 27, 2012


This meditation for Christmas Eve was enhanced by Linda's hammered dulcimer in the background and in pauses marked

Starlight                                            Christmas Eve 2012

Music plays quietly in the background, returning regularly to the refrain of “We Three Kings”  (star of wonder)

And God made great lights to shine,
one to rule the day,
and one to rule the night,
and God also made the stars, says the tradition,
determining their number,
and calling each of them by name 
Zohar in Hebrew, brilliant light
Zohal in Arabic, brightest star
and they looked up and saw a star, a Zohal,
a star, a star
 shining in the east
beyond, beyond them far
and to the earth, to the earth,
 it gave great light
and so
it continued
both day and night
a star, a star,
 dancing in the night
with a tail as big as a kite
a star leads us to the child, the child,
sleeping in the night
who will bring us goodness and light
and the star they had seen went ahead of them
and they followed, followed
until it stopped
stopped over the place where the child lay,
the star child,
the inner light of the universe
star child, earth child,  go-between of God
love child, Christ child, heaven's lightning rod
This year, this year,
let the day arrive when Christmas comes
for everyone, everyone alive
And those who are wise, says the psalmist,
will shine like the brightness of the stars.......
stars that have their own unique splendor
each different from its neighbor, says St Paul,
so children of God,
Children of God,
 in a warped and crooked generation,
you, you will shine among them
like stars in the sky
We, we who have the Christ light in us,
we are called to be stars,
stars of wonder,
stars of light,
stars of hope to the hopeless,
stars of peace to the wartorn and abused,
stars of joy to the deep sadness pervading our world,
stars of love,
love, Love...for God so loved the world.....
sometimes stars shine
and bring light in the darkness,
sometimes stars flicker and fade,
overcome by the darkness, 
but we,
we who have the Christ light of Love within us
shine on,
and simply trust when darkness overwhelms us that others shine in the darkness when we cannot,
until it is our turn again,
ignited by the Christ light,
 to be stars of love.
star of wonder, star of light,
star with royal beauty bright,
westward leading,
still....still to this day preceding us,
guide us to that perfect light…..
shine in us
shine through us
so we may be light in this dark world
radiant with hope
shining for peace
brilliant in joy
ignited by Love.

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